Radio Fire Systems
Radio fire alarm systems are simple to install as no wiring is required except for the supply to the main panel. This type of installation causes very little disruption of the premises during installation. Again as above this type of system can identify the detector or callpoint that has originated the alarm

M100 Radio Fire Panel
This panel range is designed for larger systems (typically over 150 heads) and is capable of supporting up to 50 panels. The display features a CCFL back light display which is very clear to read, detailing information as it occurs. This includes the unit number, device location, fault type and date and time the fault occurred.
The cause and effects that can be programmed into the system are very flexible ranging from an all out evacuate to a phased evacuation system. These can be set up either via the panel keypad or using a PC. The M100 panel can also be fitted with various hardware options including an integral 80 column printer, radio pager interfaces and a modem allowing remote engineering dial-in telephone access.

M200 Radio Fire Panel
The M200 series is designed primarily for small to medium size installations and is limited to a maximum of five panels. The system uses a single frequency and lacks several of the M100's features in order to produce a lower cost panel for the budget conscious system designer
The 20 zone compact panel is designed around a 16 bit processor and features surface mount technology. The panel benefits from well designed and clearly labeled operational features and is ideal for smaller / medium sized installations.
Configuration of the panel is performed using the PC interface and appropriate software. The backlit LCD provides excellent visual quality. As with all our products, build quality is stringently controlled at every stage ensuring complete reliability of the panel during operation.
The main panel operates either as a stand alone system or through a network of up to four other panels / radio repeaters.

Zerio Z1000 Radio Fire Panel
The Z1000 is the new system from Electro-Detectors. Designed to offer a radio solution for the smaller to medium sized properties, this 8 Zone system really gives the single loop hardwired addressable systems a run for their money.
The system has been designed with fast installation, minimal disruption and overall installation cost in mind.
The system is housed in a small and very asthetically pleasing metal enclosure, offering both style and durability. With a maximum of 99 radio devices the system will be ideal for small to medium sized projects such as Guest Houses, Small Hotels, offices and other smaller commercial premises.

Radio Smoke Detector
Fully electrically configurable the Millennium detector features programmable sensitivity. A unique serial number and the length of time in service is stored in its internal memory. All data is retained in this nonvolatile memory which is not corrupted or erased even should power be removed. A battery life of up to 10 years and sensor re-calibration minimise detector maintenance but sophisticated self testing ensure confidence in detector operation.
The Millennium Detector can be supplied with optical smoke, rate of rise heat or fixed point heat heads and are designed to comply with all appropriate sections of EN54.

Radio Smoke Sounder
Offering the advanced features of the Millennium detector product range, compatibility with all Electro-Detectors products and housed in an attractive moulding the combined detector shares a common fixing and is interchangeable with the existing Millennium detector.
The combined detector contains a powerful processor and utilises surface mount technology to achieve the ultimate in performance and reliability. The sounder section utilises a high output sounder, switch mode power supply and a sensitive narrow band FM receiver.
Additional options include fully monitored input, for connection to other devices, selectable sounder tones and supporting up to 255 areas. Fully electrically configurable, the combined detector stores a unique serial number and length of time in service in its non-volatile memory. The Millennium combined detector can be supplied as: i) optical smoke, ii) rate of rise heat, iii) fixed point heat detector in analogue or conventional forms. The combined detector is designed to comply with all appropriate sections of EN54.

Radio Callpoint
The radio break glass unit or radio call point is a fundamental item for any radio fire alarm system. The new design has taken advantage of the advances in technology seen in the very popular Millennium range of EDA sensors. The self contained unit incorporates the new world series KAC call point and houses the transmitter, antenna and batteries powering the unit for up to ten years and is only 40 mm deep.

Radio Sounder
Designed to complement the range of EDA Radio Fire Alarm equipment, the EDA-A200 electronic sounder is powered entirely by internal batteries, controlled and monitored by radio, producing up to fourteen different sound tones at a sound level equivalent to that of a normal hard wired electronic sounder.
In normal operation the sounder continuously listens via its built in radio receiver to any instruction emanating from its controlling panel. Once operating it continues to listen for further instructions to change tone or silence.
The unit can be supplied as a sounder, a flashing beacon or an output unit each mounted in the same white sounder housing. The clean contact output unit is capable of switching 1Amp at 24V.